Did you know that there is such a thing as the Kootenay Golf Trail, discovered deep in the Selkirk Mountains? And that the Shuswap is not just about a big ‘ol lake? There’s golf to be had here. Lots and lots of golf. Of course, West Kootenay and Shuswap locals, and many avid regional golfers, have known this all along, but they’ve been holding out on us, guarding their regions’ many wonderful secrets closely. But we’re onto them now and have teed up a whole new world of destination golf for you right here in British Columbia. What has long been a locals' playground is now available to you: pack your clubs, your fishing tackle, your boat shoes and a holiday mindset. We’ve got great new golf packages for you in amazing places. In addition to the iconic golf courses we all know and love so dearly - in traditional golf destinations like Whistler, Vancouver Island, Kamloops and the Kootenay Rockies - Golf in British Columbia is thrilled to bring you fantastic new and emerging must-play destination courses. We’ve got two new regions for you to explore in the West Kootenays and the Shuswap, plus our offerings in the Kelowna-Vernon region have doubled. Which all adds up to more than 20 extra courses to explore.
Go west, young golfer: The West Kootenays

Kokanee Springs Golf Resort, Crawford Bay
The West Kootenays is every mountain-postcard you have ever seen - in technicolour, 3D, real life. Towering green mountains, snow-capped peaks, ice blue lakes, long, warm summer days and a certain zen to daily life. What more could you ask for? Ah, yes. Golf. Enter the Kootenay Golf Trail: all the picturesque postcard stuff... only dotted with tiny white balls. The Kootenay Golf Trail takes seven fantastic courses - Granite Pointe, Redstone Resort, Balfour Golf Course, Birchbank Golf Club, Kokanee Springs Golf Resort, Christina Lake Golf Club, and Castlegar Golf Club - and turns them into one uber-golf-destination. Taken on their own, each of these courses offers their own unique blend of charm and challenge for any golfer, but together - well, it’s a bit like combining the characteristics of top golfers and creating one super-golfer.
Did you know that the seven courses of the Kootenay Golf Trail have collectively hosted more than 20 provincial championships?
On golden pond: The Shuswap

Shuswap National, Salmon Arm
The Shuswap is probably best known as houseboat territory: come summer, Shuswap Lake comes alive with wildlife - and we’re not talking of the ichthyoid variety. Back on dry land though, once your sea legs have left you, there is so much more to this idyllic region. Over 675 kilometres of hiking and biking trails give you plenty of opportunity to get your land legs back - and you’re going to need them because there is golf to be played! The five featured courses in this region - Salmon Arm Golf Club, Talking Rock Golf Resort, Shuswap Lake Estates Golf & CC, Mara Hills Golf Resort, and Shuswap National - offer an exceptionally scenic golfing interlude. With views like this, you could even be forgiven for taking your eye off the ball. Momentarily.
Did you know that you can hire a houseboat on Shuswap Lake AND drive said boat right up to Mara Hills Golf Resort? That’s what we like to think of as the opposite of a water hazard.
Doubling down: Twice the golf in the Okanagan

Harvest Golf Club, Kelowna
The Kelowna & Vernon of regions have long been a bit of a mecca for the destination golfer: golf, wine tasting, lakeside relaxation and lush orchard and vineyard views. Sad to say (well, not that sad really!), given the doubling of our golf offerings in the region this year, you are going to have precious little time for any of that other fluff and stuff. It’s all golf, all the time.
We now offer fantastic golfing packages to 15 courses in this region! Okanagan Golf Club – Quail Course, The Pinnacle Course at Gallagher’s Canyon, Harvest Golf Club, Kelowna Golf & CC, Sunset Ranch Golf & CC, Okanagan Golf Club – Bear Course, The Rise, Two Eagles Golf Course & Academy, Predator Ridge Golf Resort – Ridge Course, Gallagher’s Canyon Golf & CC, Shannon Lake Golf Club, Black Mountain Golf Club, Predator Ridge Golf Resort – Predator Course, Tower Ranch Golf & CC, Kelowna Springs Golf Club. Like we said, that’s a whole lot of golf.
Did you know that there are 65 vineyards in the region? Which is more than one winery for every five holes of golf… We take it back: you may just have to make a wee bit of time for more than just golf. Just saying.
Notable newcomers: BC golf just gets bigger and better

Fernie Golf Club, Fernie
Singling out specific golf courses in BC is a bit like playing favourites with your children - it’s impossible. We would, however, like to welcome a few courses to our fold: The Rise Resort; Cranbrook Golf Club; and Fernie Golf Club. These courses have long been thrilling (and spilling) locals and it’s about time they got some love from the rest of the golfing population. As you can see, your golfing options in BC are quite limitless. There’s a package for every budget, a place for every travel preference - mountain, lake, vineyard or desert, and a course for every level of player. And with one map to rule all you will never have ‘where-to-go’ holiday woes again.